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The hidden reason you aren't taking action (and how to get over it!)

Whether I am tapping with clients or for my personal development, the topic I spend the most time thinking about is taking action.

Nothing truly changes in our lives until we take action.

Sometimes those actions are big, like changing your career, building a business, or embarking on a new romantic relationship.

But actions don't have to be big to be life changing. I will never forget the email I received from a client telling me that she had made two phone calls that morning. That may sound insignificant, but her world changed that day because those were the first phone calls she had been able to make in years.

The reasons we don't take action
For the last fifteen years I have been thinking about why we humans don't take the actions we want to take. I have come to realize that there are four main reasons why we fail to act:

  • We don't know what we want – it is hard to take action when you don't have direction
  • We don't know how to do it – we won't take action when we feel unskilled and incompetent
  • It is painful to take action – we want progress, but sometimes the pain of the action overcomes our desire for success
  • ​​We fear success – what? 

I know it sounds odd BUT it is true. A common reason we fail to act is because we fear success on some level.

We might be afraid that:

  • ​we will be successful and lose that success
  • ​​we will be successful and others will be jealous
  • ​​we will have to work incredibly hard to be successful and maintaining that effort will be too demanding
  • ​​being successful will take up all of our time
  • ​​we will be successful and it won't be as fulfilling as we like

And those are just a few of the possible reasons you may fear success.

These are often referred to as upper limit issues because the subconscious mind believes there is an upper limit to our success. For example, it might feel safe for me to make $100,000 in a year, but not safe to make $150,000. There is a perceived upper limit to my success.

Upper limits don't just apply to financial matters. We can have upper level issues with our health, our work, our relationships, our impact in the world, and more.

The problem with upper limit issues is they seem so illogical, or even silly, that they are easy to miss.

If you aren't having the success you want in one or more areas of your life, then there is probably an upper limit issue lurking in your subconscious.

Right now there is an area of your life in which you are stuck
I am willing to bet that you feel stuck in at least one area of your life. (And quite possibly more than one area.)

You want better.

You know what action you should take.

AND you are just not doing it.

Then, when you realize you aren't taking the action you want, you start to beat yourself up for your failure to take action.

Now you feel bad for not achieving your goals AND you feel bad for not taking action. As a result, you feel even less motivated, which leads to less action…and so the vicious cycle of not taking action and feeling emotionally overwhelmed continues.

I want to help you stop this cycle!
That's why I created the Upper Limits Busters program.

I know exactly what it is like to be afraid of success on a subconscious level.

I know what it is like to feel like you are your own worst enemy when you are striving to create the life you want.

Every tool and process in the Upper Limits Busters program was developed on my way to overcoming my own upper limit issues. This isn't stuff that "should work in theory". I have seen these tools work over and over again in my own life, as well as in the lives of my clients.

Here is everything included in the Upper Limit Busters program to help you conquer your upper limit issues!

Training Library – The program includes five of my favorite tools to help you to clear your upper limit issues. There are five training videos to teach you how to use each of the tools. The videos include explanations for why the tools are designed the way they are, so you can get the most out of them and also use them on other tapping issues.

Training Audios – As well as the videos, you can download mp3 audio files of the training that you can save on your phone and listen to them wherever and whenever you like.

Workbook – For those who prefer reading to listening, the workbook includes written instruction for each of the five tools. The two different formats will ensure you can learn in the way that best fits your style.

Worksheet – The worksheet contains step-by-step instructions for each tool, so that you can refer to them right away, rather than having to wade back through a training video.

Five Days of Live Tapping – Each morning the week of May 22nd at 10 AM Eastern US time you will have access to a live Zoom training in which we will work through one of the tools together. You can tap in real time with me AND have the opportunity to learn from others in the group.

Recordings of the 5 Days of Tapping – Within 45 minutes of the morning tapping ending, you will get access to both audio and video recordings of the session. That means you can tap with us daily at your convenience, even if you can't make the live session, and you can revisit the sessions again.

Saturday Deep Dive Day – The program includes a deep dive day when we will be exploring the program tools in more depth. It will take place on Zoom on Saturday, June 10th from 10 AM - 1:30 PM Eastern US time, a full week after the daily tapping sessions. The timing is planned to give you an opportunity to try out the tools on your own and take note of any questions you wish to raise. Second, as you use the tools in your own tapping, you will uncover issues that you might be too close to clear on your own. I encourage you to bring any of your stubborn issues to the group tapping so we can clear them together.

Recordings of the Deep Dive Day – The day will be recorded and you will get access to downloadable video and audio-only versions of the entire event.

This program is designed to provide training that is easy to understand and implement, instruction and tapping directly from me, and the ability to revisit the tools again and again so you can continue to make progress well after the event.

The whole program includes more than 5 1/2 hours of live training (plus the recordings), the training library, the workbook, and the worksheet for only $97. Not only is this an amazing deal, the next time I offer this class it will cost $397.

That's a 75% discount!

Reserve your spot right now and get immediate access to the training videos.

It is time to stop getting in your own way!

It is time to stop dreaming of something better while not taking any action!

It is time to clear the resistance and to move forward in a way that feels natural and easy as you work toward your goals.

This is the last time this program will be offered for less than $100.

Sign up now!

Here is what you will receive!

  • ​Tapping Tools Video Training Library
  • ​Tapping Tools Audio Training Library
  • ​Tapping Tools Training Workbook
  • ​Tapping Tools Training Worksheet
  • ​Five Days Of Live Tapping
  • ​Recordings of the 5 days of tapping
  • ​​Saturday Deep Dive Day
  • ​​Recordings of the Deep Dive

For Only $97

The next time this program is offered it will cost $397, so this is your last chance to participate for 75% off!

Meet Your Presenter

Gene Monterastelli is the editor of TappingQandA.com, a site offering more than 1000 free resources on tapping. Since 2009 he has hosted the Tapping Q and A podcast with over 500 episodes in its archive.

As a practitioner, Gene specializes in helping clients all over the world to use tapping to eliminate self-sabotaging behavior so that they can consistently take the action they want. He has a special place in his practice (and his heart) for families with children who have been diagnosed on the autism spectrum.

Gene regularly teaches advanced applications of tapping through his monthly Art of Delivery classes. He is the author of Surefire Stress Busters, How to Save the World and Retire, and Comprehensive Anger Management. He loves to answer the most common (and uncommon) questions about tapping and EFT and can be contacted through his website TappingQandA.com or directly at support@TappingQandA.com.

Born in Casper, WY, Gene graduated from the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC and is currently based in Brooklyn, NY.

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Headshot photo credit: Shirin Tinati

Frequently Asked Questions

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